Work Package 4


In order to understand how factors such as gender, sexuality, residency, ethnicity, and socio- economic status influence whether and when displaced people seek treatment for physical and mental health conditions associated with protracted displacement, conflict, and gendered violence, we have developed an in-depth understanding of patient and provider experiences through:

  • Interviews with key frontline healthcare providers (biomedical doctors, traditional and indigenous practitioners, faith healers) in each field site to ascertain levels of integration of healthcare providers within healthcare systems and within displaced communities.
  • Ethnographic fieldwork with displaced people, including interviews and life histories with key informants in each of our field sites. Through an illness narrative methodology, we have documented the medical histories of displaced people living with neglected health conditions, including a retrospective analysis of successes and missed opportunities in follow-up healthcare.
  • Secondary data analysis of demographic and health surveys to generate insights into the usage of health systems. We have been identifying and reanalysing data collected by third parties. This data complements the survey data collected (Work Package 3). Analysis used and developed inferential modelling (explaining where individuals seek healthcare depending on their socio-economic status, citizenship status, and health conditions.
Decorative image: Somalia pots
Photo by: SIDRA


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