Ku saabsan mashruuca
Dadka barakacayaasha ah waxay la kulmaan carqalado badan markii ay daryeel caafimaad ka raadsanayaan goobaha barakaca daba-dheeraada ama muddada dheer jira, iyadoo natiijada ay noqoto in xaaladaha caafimaad ee muddada dheer jira badanaa magac-cuduro khalad ah loogu tilmaamo oo si khaldan loo daweeyo ama aan magac-cudurka la helin lana daaweyn. Baahiyaha daryeelka caafimaad ee jirka ee kediska ah ee ka dhasha dagaalada iyo rabshadaha saameynta ku leh jinsiga, gaar ahaan kuwa ka dhanka ah haweenka iyo gabdhaha, waxay hadal hayn iyo fiiro gaar ah ka heleen xaaladaha barakaca daba-dheeraada.
Si kastaba ha ahaatee, xaaladaha caafimaadka maskaxda ee raaga - sida cudurka isku buuqa ka yimaada dhacdooyinka mahadhada leh, murugada, walaaca iyo cudurada la qabsiga - waa kuwo la dayacay oo si degdeg ah ugu baahan wax ka qabasho. Weliba, xadgudubyada ku salaysan jinsiga iyo galmada ee ka dhanka ah ragga, wiilasha, iyo dadka loo aqoonsado inay yihiin labeebka (LGBTQI+) waa kuwo muddo dheer cilmi-baaris yari heysato. Sidoo kale dhibaatooyinka caafimaad ee dhinaca jirka iyo maskaxda ee muddada dheer jira waxay keeni karaan saameyn ama cawaaqib bulsho oo xun sida go'doomin, cidla uga tegid (cayrin) iyo awood ka qaadid, taasoo kordhin karta halista in ka badbaadayaashu (dhibanayaashu) ay ku lug yeeshaan xeelado nololeedyo halis ah oo ay ku jirto ka shaqaysiga galmada (ka ganacsiga jirka), taas oo kordhin karta in rabshado dheeri ah ku yimaadaan.
Macnaha guud
Eastern DRC and Somalia have both experienced long-term conflict and displacement since the early 1990s, leading to large populations of Internally Displaced People (IDPs) within these countries and large refugee populations across the region. Conflict and displacement in Eastern DRC and Somalia are characterised by high rates of sexual and gender-based violence, and victims are stigmatised through prevailing gender and sexual norms. Existing health research tends to focus on the immediate aftermath of violence rather than on long-term mental and physical health conditions.
The DiSoCo project has eight field sites in Eastern DRC, Somalia, Kenya, and South Africa. The four IDP field sites are one formal camp and one informal settlement each in Eastern DRC and Somalia, both of which have weak health systems. The four refugee field sites are Congolese and Somali settlements in Kenya and South Africa, which have different health systems and different refugee laws and policies.
Ujeedooyinka mashruuca
DiSoCo aims to help Somali and Congolese displaced people in Somalia, Eastern DRC, Kenya, and South Africa to access appropriate healthcare for chronic mental health conditions associated with protracted displacement, conflict, and sexual and gender-based violence by:
- Improving diagnosis, provision, and accessibility of healthcare for neglected chronic physical and mental ill-health conditions amongst displaced populations.
- Helping develop resilient, responsive, inclusive health systems which ultimately contribute to strong and welcoming societies.
- Supporting the development of mechanisms and organisations that empower displaced communities when they seek healthcare.
For more information, please email the Principal Investigator Laura.Jeffery@ed.ac.uk
About page main banner photo by: Madoda Mkhobeni